Bound For Winter


When we move from autumn into winter there are always a few leaves that refuse to let go. Blackberry vines are a source of inspiration that I love to paint because of their varied color and thorny stems that provide wonderful design opportunities. They are especially valuable at the beginning of winter when everything can be very gray before the early bulbs begin to bloom.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

Limited Edition – Signed and Numbered, Open Edition – Signed, Mini Print

Frame Option

Unframed, Malabar (Brown), Cascade (Gray), Matted Only, Small Cascade

Mat Option

None, Talc/Dark Shale, Jet Black/Jet Black, Talc/Balmoral

Purchasing Options:

Framed 11 ½” x 9 ½” – $70

Matted Only 10″ x 8″ – $35

(Prices include shipping via USPS)

For larger print options, click here.
